JudyBudy's Brainrot Depository

JudyBudy's Music Policy & Copyright


22.6.2023: Please note that I am not a lawyer, and after legal consultation this policy is subject to change depending on legality.

All music under the JudyBudy artist name was created by and is copyrighted to Judith Theisen. It is illegal to redistribute copyrighted material without authorisation from necessary parties. It is also illegal to download copyrighted material through unofficial means, such as by purchasing music through my artist page. However, I do allow (and in some cases, even encourage) you to listen to my music for free. I am not explicitly stating to download my music illegally, as that would probably get me in trouble with my distributor. I am saying, however, I will not pursue legal action if you decide you don't want to or, more importantly, can't pay for my music. I create music without the explicit intention to profit; I am more or less at a financial loss with every song I release. When I release music, I am doing it for me. I do it because I have to, I want to share my creations with the world, and my only hope is not for your money but for your time, your thoughts, a brief connection as artist and listener so that I can share a feeling with you via my music. That sounds overly sentimental, but again, this is not a profitable venture for me nor do I really care if I lose money doing something I love and makes me happy. If you just want to listen to my music, I do not require you to pay for it. There are multiple avenues for you to stream my music for free:

  • YouTube
  • Bandcamp
    • Bandcamp allows you to listen to basically my entire albums there, so if that's how you want to do it, go ahead.
  • SoundCloud (for WIPs and old projects)
  • Spotify
  • At some point, this website as well
    • I'm working on a way to embed my music on this site so that you can listen while you browse, or just have it on as background noise :) I may even also provide downloads to (some) songs.

How you listen doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me is that if you want to listen, you are able to, and I try to provide as many accessible places to stream as I can. If you feel the need to acquire my music and want to have the files (e.g. wav or mp3 files) to have on your device for non-internet-based streaming, you are welcome to do so. I don't know the total legality of everything like providing direct downloads of all of my music (I'm 99% sure it's allowed, you will just not be allowed to redistribute without permission), but I, as an artist, can also provide codes and such to legally "purchase" my music for free (such as Bandcamp!).

Basically, I'm not part of a label. If you want to pirate my music, I will not stop you or otherwise pursue you. If you have no intention of paying me, and you just want to listen, that is fine. If you want to listen first before you decide to financially support me, that is fine. If you want to pay me but cannot at the time, that is fine. My life is not dependant currently on the success of my musical career (hopefully it stays that way!) and expressing myself to others is my only goal with my music right now. Listen to your heart's content and please enjoy!

Non-streaming Policy


Contact me before posting remixes, edits, etc. Commercial use is not allowed unless I explicitly state otherwise. You get one warning if you do not contact and/or credit me in an edit (commercial or non-commercial). For non-commercial edits: I will let my distributor flag your reupload of my content, and I will let it stay up with ads (e.g. on YouTube). For commercial edits, depending on fair use, I will again ask you to credit me (unless you went through a distributer that already did the process of getting an OK from me, at which point disregard). After that point, it's hazy, but if you are using my material without permission and no credit, I will have to let my distributer sort it out. More often than not it will stay up with monetisation going to me; I cannot change that, and the only other option I get is to remove it which I will mainly reserve for raw unauthorised reuploads.

I am an individual, and as such I am allowed more leeway into how lenient I want to be with my policies regarding my music. This policy is also applicable to my other works, unless explicitly stated otherwise per their respective information pages. The TL;DR of this policy is that I do not allow you to outright post or otherwise redistribute my work without permission AND credit. Should you post my music anywhere (e.g. YouTube, Twitter) with the explicit intent to profit off of work you did not create, I will not dispute my distributor's copyright flags. Commercial use of my raw music (and other works, for that matter) is not allowed at all. If you want to share my music non-commercially, please CONTACT ME PRIOR, and include links to my official page(s). If you remix or otherwise edit my music in a transformative way that is not simply speeding up/down a song, adding reverb, or other simple modifications, please contact me for proper crediting; I will allow you to mess with my work and put your own twist on it. In fact, I encourage it, if you feel the desire to do so! Just let me know beforehand and I will give you my blessing!

I understand the importance of many community reuploads of songs, and also the importance of archival (which is partially the point of creating this entire website), and harbouring a community; I understand the importance of letting your fans or anyone interested in you take their own spin on something you created. It is valuable and, frankly, I will be honoured to have my music edited in a unique and transformative way. All I ask of you is to CONTACT ME FIRST BEFORE DISTRIBUTING ANYTHING! It is almost a guarantee that I will say yes!

Also, while it seems contradictory, if you make an "inappropriate" edit of my music (i.e. listed in the following section) for non-commercial reasons, self-expression manifests in different ways, and I will more often than not let you leave your edit up; I will simply ask you to provide credit to me. What I don't "allow" is moreso work that will not receive my blessing, rather than explicit violations of my copyright as an artist. I do not care, personally, if you like edits of music that I do not. I'm not your mom! I can't tell you what to do as long as it's not unauthorised commercial use! This is why it is important to contact me. If you do so, I will make you credit me. If you do not, and I have already reached out to you, though, I am going to request you remove it. If you do not, my distributor may do so themselves, or they will copyright claim your video/post/etc. and I will receive money for plays. If you did not reach out to me prior to get the OK to post (which is not the same as my blessing, which is more accurately an endorsement), I will reach out to you; again, provide credit, and if you don't, I will just let my distributor claim it and I will get paid for it. I can actually manually turn off copyright flags for individual claims, so please keep that in mind. TL;DR if you make nightcore edits, for example, then I will make you credit me if you haven't already, but I won't make you delete it unless you are profiting off of it and I am not, or you keep refusing to credit me. You basically get a warning and then I will decide whether to leave it up with ads or let my distributor deal with it.

Brief definition of edits I do not allow/will not dispute if copyright is flagged

  • "slowed + reverb" edits
  • sped-up edits/"nightcore"
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
Copyright © Judith Theisen 2023