JudyBudy's Brainrot Depository

Außer Gefecht

Außer Gefecht (en. "Out of Action") is a first-person shooter made in Unreal Engine 4. It is a zombie survival-style game in the vain of Call of Duty: Zombies. It is heavily inspired by the Nazi Zombies period, which originated in World at War (2008). As it stands now, it takes place during the Great War. A group of British soldiers lost deep in the forests of Northern France stumble upon an abandoned base, seemingly used by the Germans. As the enter, however, they soon realise the base is not entirely abandoned by its previous inhabitants. They become swarmed by undead soldiers, and find themselves stuck in an endless time loop, unable to remember all but a smaller and smaller sliver of their previous loop. They gradually fall more and more insane, while discovering bits and pieces of the history of Einrichtung Kreuz. It is German, but it is not of their time, of their current German foe; it's far too advanced, despite being several years old already. They learn of various experiments that happened many years in the future, an unfathomable feat - but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Their knowledge plateaus as the dead always bring them to their doom, without fail, and the deepest, darkest parts of Einrichtung Kreuz remain unexplored...

It is currently in very early development, and is barely playable or even functional at times. As such, I do not have any footage, photos or other content to share of the game at this time. There is only one map, called Beton (en. Concrete), which is rudimentary at best. As I improve on my coding skills and familiarity with Unreal Engine, I hope to speed up work on this game soon. I am a major fan of CoD Zombies, and have been a member of the community for over a decade now. I used to make content around the mode, and even began to help other similar content creators grow in size and get an early start (not anybody you've likely heard of, trust me). Außer Gefecht is currently created using a very detailed and generous template purchased from the Unreal Engine assets store, and is cobbled together using other purchased assets that I at some point wish to replace or otherwise mix in with models of my own creation via Blender (a program in which my knowledge and understanding is also extremely basic and unfamiliar).


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